Upload files below to get a free Quote
Submit your files for a 3D Printing quote for your prototypes, end-use parts, or for short-run production.
At The Bottom of Every page is an UPLOAD SECTION.
Once files are received they will be priced and an email will be sent back to you.
If you have any questions you can add comments in box.
Upload your CAD files as either .stl or .obj.
You have 4 choices of printing.
DLP printing- Highest detail -small build area
SLA printing- Hi-detail for medium sized parts
LCD printing- Hi- Detail for Large parts
FDM printing- Good Detail for large tough parts
3D Print in high quality DLP, SLA and LCD for injection mold quality parts.
FDM allows for a wide range of materials at an affordable price.
High Detail Character Models
Every detail of your model will be accurately 3D printed so that it will be produced just as your final manufactured parts.
This Model is 6.5 inches tall and was printed on a DLP printer at 50 microns.
Fully Articulated Assemblies
Tight tolerances and advanced materials allow for snap-fit parts with clearances that represent your final product.
Engineering & Mechanical
Electronics enclosures, mechanical parts, and large parts can be 3D printed in thermoplastics with our FDM/FFF technology.
Available Resin Technologies
Technologies: DLP, SLA, LCD
Perfect for high detail models that need extreme accuracy.
AVailable Materials
Available Thermoplastic Technology
Technology: FDM/FFF
For larger models that require the properties of thermoplastics.
Available Materials